CAPSID is the first major monograph of British artist John Walter's work. It addresses a crisis of representation surrounding viruses such as HIV, by transposing the scientific research of capsids onto the broader subject of how culture is transmitted.

Walter’s work is underscored by a maximalist approach, an unashamed celebration of a visual aesthetic that embodies the handmade, the awkward and imbalanced, as well as unexpected juxtapositions of image and text and humour.

The design builds on Walter's maximalist approach using a brash and contrasting colour scheme. The layout takes liberty in overlaying and splicing artworks together. Further humour is injected at the beginning and end of the book with a series of non-sensical phrases that merge scientific terms with humorous or sexual innuendos using 'loud' typography.

Published by Home Manchester

Book cover for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
Book spread from for CAPSID by John Walter
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